How Much Calcium in Greek Yogurt?

Greek Yogurt Calcium

Consuming adequate calcium from sources like Greek yogurt is critical, especially when we are younger. During our youth, calcium is stored within our bones to help maintain bone density as we grow older. Children and teens store more bone density than is used as the bones continue to grow.

Unfortunately, as people age into their 30’s, bone density reaches its highest level. No longer are the bones steadily storing bone tissue. As the years progress, the bone density or mass decreases as the bone reserves from your younger years are now relied upon.

While reduced bone density is not usually a concern until our later years, it has the greatest impact upon women.  According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, “Of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, about eight million or 80% are women.”

Recommended Calcium Per Day

The below table shows the recommended calcium per day. Recommendations vary based on age and pregnancy status.

0–6 months200 mg200 mg
7–12 months260 mg260 mg
1–3 years700 mg700 mg
4–8 years1,000 mg1,000 mg
9–13 years1,300 mg1,300 mg
14–18 years1,300 mg1,300 mg1,300 mg1,300 mg
19–50 years1,000 mg1,000 mg1,000 mg1,000 mg
51–70 years1,000 mg1,200 mg
71+ years1,200 mg1,200 mg
Source: National Institutes of Health


Greek Yogurt Calcium

Greek Yogurt TypeServing SizeCalcium
Plain, Nonfat7oz (200g)220mg
Plain, Lowfat7oz (200g)230mg
Plain, Whole Milk7oz (200g)200mg
Vanilla, Lowfat7oz (200g)200mg
Whole Milk Greek Yogurt with Fruit7oz (200g)200mg
Strawberry, Lowfat Greek Yogurt7oz (200g)176mg
Source: USA Nutrient Database

The table above reflects the calcium in various Greek yogurt products. An adult will receive approximately 20 percent of their daily recommended calcium with a 7-ounce serving of Greek yogurt. Overall, Greek yogurt provides a high amount of calcium per serving. It can be consumed with other calcium-rich foods like milk, almonds, and cottage cheese to reach your recommended daily intake of calcium.