
Is Ghee Vegan?

ghee vegan

Question: Is ghee vegan? Answer: Ghee or clarified butter has significantly gained in popularity in the United States over recent years. It is typically used in American cooking for frying or in place of cooking oils because of its very high smoke point. Ghee is made from butter. Butter consists of butter fat, milk solids, and

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Is Butter a Condiment?

Question: Is butter a condiment? Answer: A condiment can be defined as a food flavor enhancer or a substance used to complement food.  However, there is some debate on what food products are actually condiments. Almost all of us can agree that ketchup, mustard, and relish are common condiments. But, what about butter? Yes, butter is

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Is Butter Dairy?

A product is considered dairy if it is derived from milk. This doesn’t mean just cow milk but any mammal milk like sheep or goat milk. Butter is made by churning milk or cream until the butterfat is separated from the buttermilk. The buttermilk is drained away leaving the butterfat, which creates the final butter product.

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Does Butter Go Bad?

Does butter go bad? This is an interesting question because butter is one of those products that never really hear of spoiling. You can leave it out at room temperature and it seemingly does not go bad. On the other hand, butter is derived from milk and as many of us know, milk is prone to

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