Does Ensure Have Dairy? (Answered)

Question: Does Ensure have dairy?

Answer: Ensure is a nutritional shake that is traditionally consumed as a meal replacement. It contains a variety of the daily recommended vitamins and minerals to help people reach their daily nutrition goals. Ensure produces both ready-to-drink shakes and powder.

The current varieties and flavors of Ensure are:

  • Ensure Original: milk chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, dark chocolate, butter pecan, coffee latte, banana nut.
  • Ensure Plus: milk chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, dark chocolate, butter pecan.
  • Ensure Complete: milk chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.
  • Ensure Max Protein: milk chocolate, milk chocolate w/ caffeine, French vanilla, café mocha, creamy strawberry, creamy peach, cherry cheesecake.
  • Ensure High Protein: milk chocolate, strawberry, vanilla.
  • Ensure Clear: blueberry pomegranate, mixed fruit.
  • Ensure Light: milk chocolate, vanilla.
  • Ensure Compact: milk chocolate, vanilla.
  • Ensure Original Powder: vanilla.
  • Ensure Surgery Immunonutrition Shake: vanilla.
  • Ensure Enlive: milk chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.
  • Ensure Pre-Surgery Clear Carbohydrate Drink: Strawberry
  • Ensure Plant-Based: chocolate, vanilla.

All Ensure products contain dairy ingredients except Ensure Plant-Based. The Ensure Plant-Based products are dairy-free and lactose-free.

Ensure Pre-Surgery is suitable for people with lactose intolerance per the manufacturer. However, it is made on equipment that also processes products containing dairy. Their is no claim on the labeling that it is dairy-free. Furthermore, the manufacturer’s website states it is “Kosher made on dairy equipment”.