How Many Carbs In Cottage Cheese?

carbs cottage cheese

Does Cottage Cheese Have Carbs?

Cottage cheese is most often made from cow’s milk. Milk contains a naturally occurring sugar known as lactose. This is the same lactose that we hear so much about, particularly in reference to lactose intolerance and the problems it causes. Since milk contains lactose (a sugar) and sugar is a type of carbohydrate, cottage cheese does have carbs. But, how many per serving?

How Many Carbs In Cottage Cheese?


Below we have provided the carbs in cottage cheese for a selection of brands. You will notice that the carbs do not vary much based on the milkfat percentage (i.e. 1%, 2%, 4%, fat free, etc.) for a particular brand. The below table shows that the carbs in cottage cheese likely average about 5 grams per half cup. For most people who are not on a heavy carb restricted diet, cottage cheese would be considered a low carb food. The carbs start to rapidly increase when cottage cheese is consumed with a topping like fruit. The second table below shows cottage cheese with various toppings. Notably the sugars and carbs double or more when fruit topping is added to cottage cheese.

Carbs In Cottage Cheese

1/2 Cup Serving Size
Daisy Brand - Regular 4%4 g4 g
Daisy Brand - Lowfat 2%4 g4 g
Borden - Regular 4%3 g4 g
Borden - Lowfat 1%4 g5 g
Borden - Fat Free4 g5 g
Lacaid - Lowfat 1%3 g7 g
Horizon Organic - Regular 4% 4 g4 g
Horizon Organic - Lowfat 2%4 g4 g
Nancy's Organic Lowfat 3 g3 g
Hood Country Style 4%4 g5 g
Hood - Lowfat 1%4 g 5 g
Hood - Fat Free5 g 6 g
Crowley - Regular 4%3 g5 g
Crowley - Lowfat 1%4 g 6 g
Crowley - Nonfat5 g7 g
Breakstone's Regular 4%5 g6 g
Breakstone's 2%5 g5 g
Breakstone's Fat Free6 g8 g
Cabot Vermont Style 4%4 g4 g
Cabot No Fat4 g5 g
Organic Valley - Regular 4%4 g5 g
Organic Valley - Lowfat 2%3 g 4 g
Shamrock Farms - Regular 4%3 g 5 g
Shamrock Farms - Lowfat4 g 5 g
Shamrock Farms - Fat Free5 g 6 g

Cottage Cheese with Fruit

1/2 Cup Serving Size
Nancy's Organic - Lowfat Peach Fruit on Top12.5 g12.5 g
Nancy's Organic - Lowfat Strawberry Fruit on Top11.5 g12.5 g
Nancy's Organic - Lowfat Pear Fruit on Top12.5 g14 g
Hood 4% with Pineapple Added13 g14 g
Hood Fat Free with Pineapple14 g16 g
Hood Lowfat with Peaches16 g18 g
Hood Lowfat with Pineapple & Cherry14 g15 g


The carbs in cottage cheese are low per half cup, which makes it an excellent snack for those looking to eat a lower carb foods. Be aware of cottage cheese that comes prepackaged with fruit toppings because these products can contain significantly more carbs than plain cottage cheese. It is typically always best to add your own topping so that you can regulate the carbs as oppose to buying it prepackage with fruit. As always, read labels before buying if carbs are a concern. Not all cottage cheese products are nutritional the same.