How Much Calcium In Cottage Cheese?

amount of calcium in cottage cheese

Calcium is very important to the body during our lifetime. When we are young it supports new bone growth and is a building block for bone density and strong bones. The pre-teen through teen years are very important as bone develops rapidly and calcium is stored within the bones. The amount of bone tissue will reach its highest level near age 30 and then will gradually taper off as we age. It is important to support bone growth during our younger years by consuming sufficient calcium  so that we still have adequate bone mass when we are older.

How Much Calcium Per Day?

The amount of calcium recommended per day varies based on age and gender. The recommendations based on the National Institutes of Health are as follows:

Recommended Dietary Allowance for Calcium

Age Male Female
0-6 Months*200 mg200 mg
7-12 months*260 mg260 mg
1-3 years700 mg700 mg
4-8 years1,000 mg1,000 mg
9-13 years1,300 mg1,300 mg
14-18 years1,300 mg1,300
19-50 years1,000 mg1,000 mg
51-70 years1,000 mg1,200 mg
71+ years1,200 mg1,200 mg
*Adequate Intake


How Much Calcium In Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese is a dairy product, therefore, many people would assume that cottage cheese does have calcium. But how much? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrient Database indicates the follow calcium content for cottage cheese:

Cottage Cheese Calcium - USDA Nutrient Database

Type of Cottage Cheese1 Cup (8 oz) Large Curd - Not Packed (Serving Size)1 Cup (8 oz) Small Curd - Not Packed (Serving Size)1/2 Cup (4 oz) - Not Packed (Serving Size)100g (Serving Size)
Creamed (Regular)174 mg187 mg94 mg83 mg
Lowfat 2%251 mg*----125 mg111 mg
Lowfat 1%138 mg*----69 mg61 mg
Nonfat125 mg*----97 mg86 mg
* curd size not noted

The above data shows that an adult will satisfy approximately 12 percent to over 20 percent of their calcium recommendation just by eating one cup of cottage cheese. While cottage cheese isn’t as powerful as Plain yogurt (415 mg per cup) or milk (about 295 mg per cup) in calcium content, it is still one the of highest calcium foods available.