Is Creme Fraiche Healthy?

crème fraîche calories

Creme fraiche is one of our favorite dairy products because it is so versatile. It goes well with soups, fruits, sauces, desserts, and much more. The advantage that creme fraiche has over other dairy products like sour cream and yogurt is that it holds up to high heat very well. Sour cream or yogurt tends to separate or curdle if you are not super careful with them around high heat. Creme fraiche manages much better to heat because of its high fat content. While its high fat content is good for taste and high heat, it is not exactly beneficial for your health.

Is Creme Fraiche Healthy?

Most people in the United States are probably more familiar with sour cream than creme fraiche. While sour cream is similar to creme fraiche, it has less fat. Regular sour cream has approximately 20 percent fat content whereas creme fraiche has about 30 – 40 percent. The additional fat gives creme fraiche a richer and less tangy flavor compared to sour cream. However, the fat content which makes creme fraiche so tasty also makes it a not so healthy food choice. Let’s take a look at the nutritional information below. Note that we also provided the nutrition data for regular (full fat) sour cream to give a comparison with creme fraiche.

Crème Fraîche Nutrition Facts

ProductServing SizeCalories Total FatSaturated Fat CholesterolSodiumCarbohydratesDietary FiberSugars Protein
Crème Fraîche2 Tablespoons 11011 g7 g40 mg10 mg1 g0 g1 g1 g

Regular Sour Cream Nutrition Facts

ProductServing SizeCalories Total FatSaturated Fat CholesterolSodiumCarbohydratesDietary FiberSugars Protein
Regular Sour Cream2 Tablespoons 605 g3.5 g20 mg15 mg1 g0 g1 g1 g


Is creme fraiche healthy? Being straight forward, it is by no means a healthy food. However, in moderate it will likely not be detrimental to your health. There are only about 55 calories in a tablespoon so using creme fraiche sparingly to garnish a dish will not kill your diet. Additionally, going a bit overboard with the creme fraiche from time to time is Okay. What matters is what you do over the long haul. If the good outweighs the bad the majority of the time, you should be Okay.

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